OK Bank Indonesia dengan nama lengkap PT. Bank Oke Indonesia Tbk merupakah Bank swasta Nasional hasil penggabungan 2 (dua) Bank swasta nasional yaitu PT Bank Dinar Indonesia Tbk (Bank Dinar) dan PT Bank Oke Indonesia (OK Bank indonesia) pada tanggal 08 Juli 2019.
Perjalanan panjang selama 50 tahun telah menghantarkan PaninBank menjadi bank kategori BUKU 4 pada tahun 2019, dengan basis nasabah ritel dan komersial yang kuat serta kapabilitas digital banking yang mengikuti jaman. PaninBank terus melakukan terobosan dan inovasi untuk memperkokoh posisinya dalam industri perbankan dan perekonomian Indonesia.
We are a large BUKU 4 bank and listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, offering banking products and services to help people and companies succeed in creating prosperity and business growth through PermataBank's Retail Banking, SME and Wholesale.
In 2004, Standard Chartered Bank and PT Astra International Tbk took over PermataBank and began a major transformation process within the organization. Subsequently, as a demonstration of their commitment to PermataBank, the combined ownership of these major shareholders increased to 89.01% in 2006.
PT Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk merupakan bagian dari QNB Group, bank terbesar di wilayah Timur Tengah dan Afrika. Berdiri pada 1964, QNB Group beroperasi di 31 negara yang tersebar di tiga benua dengan menyediakan rangkaian lengkap produk dan layanan yang terdepan. QNB Group mempertahankan posisinya sebagai salah satu bank regional dengan peringkat tertinggi dari lembaga pemeringkat kredit terkemuka termasuk Standard & Poor’s (A), Moody’s (Aa3), dan Fitch Ratings (A+). QNB Group juga telah menerima banyak penghargaan dari media finansial internasional terkemuka di dunia.
Bank Sampoerna was established on September 27, 1990 based on Notarial Deed Ny. Susana Zakaria, S.H., No. 95 under the name PT Dipo Internasional Bank. The Bank's Articles of Association were approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia on December 17, 1990 through Decree No.C2-6534.HT.01.01 Th.90 and announced in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 439, Supplement No.13 dated February 13, 1991.
Bank Sampoerna's identity symbol is embodied in the Bank's logo, which depicts the philosophy of three hands. This symbol represents the harmonious synergy between Bank Sampoerna, customers who entrust their funds, and customers who receive loans.
Bank SBI Indonesia (formerly Bank Indomonex) is an Indonesian company in the form of a limited liability company engaged in banking financial services, and has been established since 1970. Currently, the majority of Bank SBI Indonesia's shares are owned by State Bank of India. The bank is headquartered in Jakarta.
PT Bank Seabank Indonesia (formerly PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi) or better known as Seabank is a financial institution in Indonesia. PT Bank Seabank Indonesia (SeaBank) is a digital financial institution owned by Sea Group, the parent company of e-commerce site Shopee and online game publisher Garena.
Shinhan Financial Group's business strategy is to provide customers with a wide range of convenience and service satisfaction through efficient and specialized distribution (banking business) and manufacturing (non-banking business). Furthermore, it will make continuous efforts as a diversified business line to become a leading financial group with high quality and competitiveness in the world.
Shinhan Financial Group, as the first company that can control people's finances in Korea, was established on the basis of Shinhan Bank, Shinhan Capital, and Shinhan Investment Management.
PT Bank Victoria International Tbk is one of the commercial banks in Indonesia that has been established for more than 28 years. The Bank was first established under the name PT Bank Victoria based on Limited Liability Company Deed No. 71 dated October 28, 1992 made before Notary Amrul Partomuan Pohan, SH, LLM.
In implementing the business strategy, the Bank plans and formulates the company's strategy as well as the company's development goals and directions which are reflected in the Bank's Vision. Going forward, Bank Victoria will continue to maintain its spirit and improve service quality. This commitment will continue to be applied consistently to ensure the sustainability of the Bank's business in the longer term
PT Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk or commonly abbreviated as BWS, is a subsidiary of Woori Bank headquartered in Jakarta. As of the end of 2021, the bank has 29 branch offices, 121 sub-branch offices, 24 mobile sub-branch offices, and 132 ATM units spread across Java, Bali, Sumatra, and Sulawesi.