“AFTECH together with PERBANAS and KADIN Indonesia Push for Acceleration of Digital Financial Literacy and Inclusion in Indonesia through Joint Commitments” Jakarta, 9 September 2022 – The Indonesian Fintech Association (AFTECH), Indonesian Banks Association (PERBANAS), Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), continues strengthen the synergy and collaboration of digital financial services in Indonesia, especially in an effort to accelerate the acceleration of digital financial literacy and inclusion in Indonesia. In order to strengthen this commitment, the memorandum of understanding between AFTECH, PERBANAS, and KADIN Indonesia was signed on September 2, 2022 at the BRIlian Tower, Jakarta by Anika Faisal as Secretary General of PERBANAS, Kaspar Situmorang as Deputy Head of Agency III, Digital Payment System and KADIN Neobank Indonesia, Budi Gandasoebrata as Secretary General of AFTECH. The signing of this MoU aims to facilitate cooperation and as a forum for communication and discussion to discuss more deeply about strategic steps with digital financial services so that they can continue to contribute to making a positive impact on Indonesia's economic growth.
The memorandum of understanding covers 5 strategic areas, namely (1) collaboration in formulating schemes and competency standards for digital talent, especially in the Indonesian digital banking ecosystem, (2) collaboration in the preparation of roadmaps and research related to digital banks involving the banking industry and digital ecosystem in Indonesia to support strategy to accelerate financial inclusion, (3) Education for the general public about the importance of using financial service products with official licenses from the relevant regulators, in order to prevent financial service activities that are not in accordance with statutory regulations, (4) Active participation with regulators in providing input related to regulations and code of ethics, (5) Collaboration in financial and digital literacy publications and education activities.
Anika Faisal, Secretary General of PERBANAS said, “This commitment is a strategic step between AFTECH, PERBANAS, and KADIN Indonesia to make digital innovation a success to support the development of the digital economy in Indonesia. We hope that this industry can grow together for the good of Indonesia.”
Budi Gandasoebrata, Secretary General of AFTECH, added that this joint commitment is certainly expected to provide as many benefits as possible not only for users, but also for the industry, and also for the nation and state in terms of financial inclusion and financial literacy, especially in the digital era.
Meanwhile, on the occasion of the press conference held today, Kaspar Situmorang as Deputy Head of the Digital Payment System Agency III and Neobank KADIN Indonesia said, "Currently, Indonesia is entering the world of digital financing services. Along with changes in consumer behavior to digital, in terms of the number and volume of digital banking financial transactions, this trend shows an increase. The value of digital banking transactions in 2021 will reach IDR 39,841.4 trillion or a growth of 45.64 percent compared to the previous year.1 However, the increase in transactions through the digital world must be followed by an increase in financial literacy and inclusion. So that widespread education needs to be done, through this joint commitment, we will be more solid to share the role of encouraging the acceleration of financial literacy in the community.”
Public interest in digital financial transactions is increasing. By 2021, at least 7 banks have officially become digital financial services in Indonesia, which are part of conventional banking, as well as part of Fintech and part of the Technology Platform. Research conducted by the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) in 2020 found that 40 of the total 110 banks in the country have the potential to produce/become digital financial services in the future due to the acceleration of digitization.
AFTECH, PERBANAS, and KADIN Indonesia also pay great attention to the issue of digital talent in Indonesia along with the development of digital financial services in Indonesia. The progress of banking digitalization is certainly inseparable from the speed of the industry to innovate technology, which is supported by the competence of digital talent. With this collaboration, each party will play a role in creating digital talent assimilation that can develop and print world-quality talent, have a global mindset, stay relevant, understand how to handle risk and compliance awareness through exposure.
the best financial service providers.
Digital literacy efforts will continue to be carried out as well as possible by the parties to expand the range of positive impacts generated.
Tentang AFTECH
Asosiasi FinTech Indonesia (AFTECH) telah secara resmi ditunjuk oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) sebagai Asosiasi Penyelenggara Inovasi Keuangan Digital (IKD) pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2019, berdasarkan Surat Penunjukan Nomor S-2/D.02/2019. AFTECH saat ini memiliki 352 perusahaan anggota, yang terdiri dari perusahaan FinTech, perusahaan keuangan, mitra riset, mitra teknologi, dan mitra universitas. Untuk info lebih lanjut tentang AFTECH, lihat dan kunjungi kami di Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, dan YouTube.
Perhimpunan Bank Nasional (PERBANAS) resmi didirikan sebagai wadah Bank - Bank di Indonesia pada tanggal 25 Mei 1952. Perbanas saat ini beranggotakan 70 Bank anggota, yang terdiri dari Bank BUMN, Bank Swasta, Bank Syariah, Bank Asing, Bank Pembangunan Daerah. Perbanas saat ini telah memiliki Perbanas Institute sebagai
perguruan tinggi yang berfokus dalam bidang ekonomi keuangan dan perbankan berbasis teknologi informasi. Untuk info lebih lanjut PERBANAS, lihat
Tentang KADIN Indonesia
Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) Indonesia dibentuk sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1987 sebagai satu-satunya induk dunia usaha yang menaungi asosiasi-asosiasi bisnis yang mencakup semua sektor usaha di Indonesia. Jaringan kontak bisnis KADIN Indonesia yang luas di seluruh wilayah menjadikan KADIN Indonesia sebagai mitra yang sangat menarik dan strategis untuk kegiatan bisnis, perdagangan, perindustrian dan investasi. Jaringan bisnis KADIN Indonesia mencakup hingga 34 Provinsi dan 543 di kabupaten/kota, 133 Asosiasi dan 53 Komite Bilateral.